Supportive Housing Programs

The Supportive Housing Programs of Housing First, Inc., under the Community Housing Department, provide scattered-site housing to disabled homeless individuals, and homeless families in which at least one adult member of the household is disabled.  The Supportive Housing Programs consist of two grant-funded projects, “Community Housing Project” and “Disabled Homeless Permanent,” which include beds for both chronic and non-chronic homeless, as well as both veterans and non-veterans.  

CHP Project Description (CHP)

This HUD-funded project is for disabled chronically homeless individuals, and provides Permanent Supportive Housing in 65 scattered-site units in both Mobile and Baldwin Counties, 10 of which are prioritized for chronically homeless veterans.  This project adheres closely to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network). Supportive services are centered on Case Management using a Permanent Supportive Housing Case Management model, with an emphasis on increasing self-sufficiency and achieving independent housing in the community. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, accessing medical, mental health and substance abuse treatment services, obtaining employment services, and training to improve Daily Living Skills, all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or incomes; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence.

DHP Project Description (DHP)

This HUD-funded project is for disabled homeless individuals and families, and provides Supportive Housing in 37 scattered-site units in both Mobile and Baldwin Counties.  This project adheres to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network). Supportive services are centered on Case Management using a Permanent Supportive Housing Case Management model, with an emphasis on increasing self-sufficiency and achieving independent housing in the community. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, accessing medical, mental health and substance abuse treatment services, obtaining employment services, and training to improve Daily Living Skills, all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or incomes; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence. 

man sitting on a couch smiling
women smiling in a home
women lounging on a couch smiling

Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Programs

The Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Programs of Housing First, Inc., operated under the Community Housing Department, provide a variety of services and financial assistance to both literally homeless and at-risk families and individuals, including unaccompanied youth and persons/families fleeing domestic violence.  These programs are intended to provide short to medium-term assistance in obtaining and maintaining housing with a goal of long-term housing stability, through a combination of rental assistance, supportive services, and intensive Case Management for up to 24 months. 

Family and Youth Services (FYS)

This HUD-funded project is intended to assist literally homeless families with children and unaccompanied homeless youth between the ages of 18 and 24 years, to rapidly transition to permanent housing within Mobile and Baldwin Counties.  This project adheres closely to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network). The FYS Project provides rental assistance as needed up to 24 months, with participant households expected to pay a portion of their rent, with eligibility for continued assistance being reassessed every 3 months.  The project also provides supportive services centered on Case Management using a Rapid Rehousing Case Management model, with an emphasis on obtaining and maintaining stable permanent housing by increasing self-sufficiency and eliminating or minimizing previous barriers to stable housing. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in locating and obtaining suitable housing, accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, accessing medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services, obtaining employment services, and training to improve Daily Living Skills, all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or income; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence.

ADECA Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

This project is intended to assist individuals or families that are currently homeless, or at-risk of homelessness, to stabilize in their current housing or quickly move to other permanent housing. Housing relocation and stabilization services under this project includes provision of rental assistance on a short-term to medium-term basis, as well as a variety of relocation or stabilization services, including housing search, mediation or outreach to property owners, legal services, credit repair, security or utility deposits, utility payments, assistance with moving costs, or other activities that are effective at stabilizing individuals and families in their current housing, or quickly moving such individuals and families to other permanent housing. This project adheres closely to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network).

Fresh Start Domestic Violence Program (FS)

This HUD-funded project is intended to assist literally homeless families with children and single individuals who are currently fleeing domestic violence to rapidly transition to permanent housing within Mobile and Baldwin Counties.  This project adheres closely to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network). The FS Project provides rental assistance as needed for up to 12 months, with participant households expected to pay a portion of their rent, with eligibility for continued assistance being reassessed every 3 months.  The project also provides supportive services centered on Case Management using a Rapid Rehousing Case Management model, with an emphasis on obtaining and maintaining stable permanent housing by increasing self-sufficiency and eliminating or minimizing previous barriers to stable housing. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in locating and obtaining suitable housing, accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, accessing medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services, obtaining employment services, and training to improve Daily Living Skills, all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or income; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence.

Returning Neighbors Rapid Rehousing and Transitional Housing Programs (RN)

This HUD-funded project is intended to assist literally homeless families with children and single individuals who have been released from an institution or diversion program to rapidly transition to permanent housing within Mobile and Baldwin Counties.  This project adheres closely to the Housing First model and fully participates in a coordinated intake and assessment system (Community Connections Network). The RN Project provides rental assistance as needed up to 12 months, with participant households expected to pay a portion of their rent, with eligibility for continued assistance being reassessed every 3 months.  The project also provides supportive services centered on Case Management using a Rapid Rehousing Case Management model, with an emphasis on obtaining and maintaining stable permanent housing by increasing self-sufficiency and eliminating or minimizing previous barriers to stable housing. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in locating and obtaining suitable housing, accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, accessing medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services, obtaining employment services, and training to improve Daily Living Skills, all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or income; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence.

Day One Family Program

This program funded through a grant from the Jeff Bezos Foundation is intended to assist families with school-aged children with housing. Referrals from this program are received directly from social workers within the Mobile County Public School System. The goal of this program is to provide rental and utility assistance to the family while the adults take education and employment training. At the end of the program, the family should be financially independent and no longer need financial assistance. The project also provides supportive services centered on Case Management using a Rapid Rehousing Case Management model, with an emphasis on obtaining and maintaining stable permanent housing by increasing self-sufficiency and eliminating or minimizing previous barriers to stable housing. Supportive Services provided through Case Management include assistance in locating and obtaining suitable housing, accessing community resources and mainstream benefits, obtaining employment services , all with a goal of achieving residential stability; increased skill levels and/or income; greater self-determination; and eventual housing independence.


If you think you qualify for any of these programs, please contact us to get your intake process started. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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