Decrease in homelessness overall

Five families can be rapidly re-housed ($6,578 per family) for what it costs to house one family in transitional housing ($32,557 per family).

The average cost per exit to permanent housing was significantly lower for rapid re-housing (about $4,100) than it was for either shelter (about $10,000) or transitional housing (about $22,200).

A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of $35,578 per year. This study shows how costs on average are reduced by 49.5% when they are placed in supportive housing. Supportive housing costs on average $12,800, making the net savings roughly $4,800 per year.

Landlords – do you have rental housing AND ARE interested in becoming a partner?

Supportive housing costs on average
A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer per year
net savings per year

You Can Help End Homelessness With a Donation

Donate today because you believe everyone deserves a safe place to sleep at night.