Helping people soar with a transition to independence
The Coordinated Entry department is where individuals experiencing imminent risk of homelessness, or literal homelessness, begin the process of identifying resources to prevent or end their housing crisis. The Coordinated Entry process is designed to ensure persons in need receive fair and equal access to limited resources through a standardized assessment and prioritized referral process. The first step in this process is completion of the Coordinated Entry Pre-Screen Form, which can be found at our Washington Ave. location, or by mail or email upon request. Once a completed Pre-screen is received, we will reach out to discuss eligibility and schedule an intake appointment or provide community resources in cases of ineligibility. After intake households are linked with a case manager who will work to help identify and access community resources and potential housing solutions. While enrolled in Coordinated Entry, households will also be evaluated for referral to housing assistance programs designed to prevent and end homelessness based on eligibility and prioritization. It is important to know that because there are many more people in need of housing assistance than there is assistance available, not all households will receive a referral for direct housing assistance. However, case managers and program staff will work with households to identify any available resources or supports to resolve the housing crisis. If you are experiencing homelessness, or are at imminent risk of becoming homeless, please contact us at 251-450-3345 or